
Children will routinely have their developmental milestones assessed by way of ASQ-3 assessment at their 1 year Health Review and at the 2 year integrated health review. Those identified with as slow to meet their milestones will be referred to the Community Paediatricians for further assessment and interventions. Children can be reviewed using ASQ -3 assessments at any time from the age of 4 months. This can be accessed by contacting the Health Visiting Service.


School-age children who are slow in meeting their developmental milestones and not progressing in school should be discussed with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator to see if additional assessments or support is required.

All Children in their reception year are offered a vision and hearing screening test by the School Nursing team. If the child is identified as having a possible concern they will be signposted to an optician or referred for an assessment by an orthoptist or audiologist.  

If there are subsequent concerns about a child’s vision or hearing this should be discussed with the child’s parent/carer to check whether they are already seeing a specialist. If they are not already being seen by audiology or an optician parent/ carers should be advised to seek a free eye assessment at an opticians and discuss any ongoing hearing concerns with their GP.