Torbay Safeguarding Children Partnership

Child special educational needs and disability

Some children and young people have disabilities or special educational needs (SEND) and these differing needs mean varied levels of support are required at different times in that child’s life. As a parent or carer it might make your daily parenting duties more challenging.

In Torbay, there are a range of support services so that children and young people with SEND can be educated and enjoy social opportunities alongside their peers, in their local community.

Torbay Local Offer

Torbay's officially recognised Local Offer is maintained by the Local Authority in order to meet statutory requirements.

The pages contain information about services for children and young people with a Special Education Need (SEN) or Disability.

If you would like further information about SEN, including how to make a request for statutory assessment, please contact the SEN Team on 01803 208274 or visit


In Torbay, Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) provides free, confidential and impartial information, guidance and support to parents and carers or children and young people.

The service provides resources and information about the law on special educational needs and disability, as well as offering more intensive individual support and advice.

Further information is also available on the Torbay Council Website.

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