The intention of the Harmful Sexual Behaviour Guidance document below is to support the Torbay workforce to identify, respond, and manage harmful sexual behaviours displayed and experienced by children and young people.
It should be read in conjunction with the SWCPP procedures on HSB to be found here Harmful Sexual Behaviour ( This procedure includes definitions, risks, indicators, protection, and action to be taken, issues and further information.
This document links to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) flowchart in Section 8 of this document. Where a behaviour is of concern the AIM checklist should be used before any potential referral to MASH. This supports consistent identification and escalation of HSB concerns.
Training is available for all staff working in Torbay regarding Harmful Sexual Behaviour. The training is made available via the iLearn platform, which everyone can register for, whether working in the voluntary and community sector, health settings, education settings or any other. The platform is free to users and facilitates a range of professional training.
If you are external to Torbay Council and wish to register for an iLearn or ‘learning Pool’ account, please use this link: Learning Pool Login Request ( You will then receive your login details via email within two working days.
This document provides guidance on the pathways and processes that should be followed when a child or young person is identified as displaying and/or are affected by sexually harmful behaviour.
If you are not in a position to immediately follow your organisations agreed Safeguarding Policy or are unsure how to respond, please ensure you follow this process:
Policy for the resolution of professional disagreements in work relating to the safety of children
To be used alongside the Professional Differences Escalation Policy