Torbay Safeguarding Children Partnership

Multi-Agency Case Audits (MACA)

The Safeguarding Children Partnership in Torbay has the responsibility to quality assure safeguarding practice across agencies. This work is undertaken by the TSCP Quality Assurance Group and includes undertaking a cycle of multi-agency case audits through the year.

The themes of the audits are directed by the partnership Executive Group or informed through learning from Rapid Reviews or Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews.

Two audits were undertaken in 2021. The first focused on a Torbay Rapid Review in respect of C86, the full report can be found below. The second audit was undertaken on Harmful Sexual Behaviour for which an interactive learning page and executive summary are available to view and share below.

An audit of Child Criminal Exploitation was undertaken in 2023 and will shortly be uploaded.

We are in the process of undertaking our next MACA focusing on Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing which will take place in 2024.

Harmful Sexual Behaviour MACA Interactive Learning Page

October 2021: Interactive Learning Page

Harmful Sexual Behaviour MACA Executive Summary

October 2021: Findings from the Harmful Sexual Behaviour MACA

Harmful Sexual Behaviour MACA Terms of Reference

October 2021: Terms of Reference

Themes relating to Rapid Review C86 MACA Report

April 2021: Report

Themes of C86 MACA Terms of Reference

April 2021: Terms of Reference

Thematic Review of services available to children and young people involved in peer on peer abuse and sexual violence

November 2019: Terms of Reference

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