Torbay Safeguarding Children Partnership

This page is intended to provide resources for education settings in Torbay to help keep their children safe. It will be regularly updated with relevant news and documents as they are published.


Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before 9am on a school day when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening.

For further information please follow the following link:

Operation Encompass

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Following a public consultation launched in December 2020 and an Ofsted Review into sexual abuse in schools and colleges the Department for Education has published a new strengthened version of its guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education

Managing allegations against adults working with children

Torbay Safeguarding Partnership have published guidance for Education for managing allegations and reporting to the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer). Here is the link: Managing allegations against working with adults


School Transition Documents

Transition Document Post 16 2019

Transition Document Post 16

TAPS Year 6 Transition Form

For use in Year 6 / Year 7 transition

Transition Protocol 2019

Transition Protocol

Transition Letter to Accompany Transition Protocol 2019

Transition Letter to Accompany Transition Protocol

Transition Document Early Years 2022

Early Years transition

Documents and Guidance

TSCP Education Record Keeping Guidance 2024

This guidance is for early years settings, schools maintained by the Local Authority, free schools, academies, independent schools, sixth forms, and further education colleges

TSCP Schools Model Safeguarding Policy 2024

Effective from September 2024

Torbay Educational Neglect Protocol

Torbay Educational Neglect Protocol August 2023

Early Years Model Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023

Effective from September 2023

TSCP C80 Briefing for Early Years Providers

Briefing for Early Years following C80 Child Safeguarding Practice Review

Child Friendly Child Protection Policy

Template policy for schools

Parent/Carer Child Protection Policy

Template policy for schools

SGE3 Racist incident reporting form

Use this form to report racist incidents to the Local Authority

National Guidance

Click onto the links below for National Guidance documents;

Useful Links for young people

Useful Links for professionals

Devon and Cornwall Police have created a DCD Hub website for professionals working with children and young people. The website is updated with news, publications, e-learning, events, podcasts, videos and links to support safeguarding children and young people. The information section has  a host of information including a uniform database, trauma informed, when to report school incidents to the police, and online safety to name a few.

The website and newsletter sign-up can be found here: Information – DCD Hub

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